Ever since posting that picture the other day of the house with all the snow in the yard I got to thinking that maybe I should go up there and check on the situation.
I actually have not been to the house since November, and I did read that that area of Pennsylvania got about 15 in of snow. I also know that It's been raining pretty hard on and off where I live for about 10 days.
As a result of all that rain and the thawing and melting of all that snow, many homes in the neighborhood where I'm currently living have flooded basements, mine got a little bit of water but both sump pumps have been running non-stop.
I figured that the basement of the house in Pennsylvania might have seen some water as well so I went up there yesterday. I had a pleasant surprise when I went down into the basement and found everything to be completely bone dry. I guess all that concrete work that I did on the North side wall and regrading and sloping the yard really paid off.
While I was there I unhooked the Christmas lights and removed the timers. Everything in the house appeared to be exactly as I left it with the exception of a walnut on the third floor that my friend the squirrel bought in. That squirrel is sort of my full-time caretaker, he watches over the place when I'm not there.
I took a picture of the house as well as a photo of the Delaware River and the Roebling bridge which you can see really well this time of year when all the trees are bare and have no leaves. You can also see where the town snow plow knocked my mailbox over, but that's okay I'm not really getting much mail there anyway. I've attached the photos to this post.