Sunday, May 26, 2019

Progress!  The ceiling is done and ready for tape & mud.  The rear wall is nearly done too, and we started the wall opposite the dining room.

And yes, the wall behind the cabinets is done in 1/2" plywood rather than drywall.  It's easier to hang cabinets to it, and it will be covered and never seen anyway.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Yesterday, I got the insulation in the walls about 90% done. There is a little bit left to do around the window.

Then I started insulating the ceiling just before Rob showed up, at which point he began to cut new studs for the ceiling.

After wiring the ceiling for lights, Rob started the drywall. We stopped because we need some longer studs (12 footers) for the wider part of the kitchen near the living room.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The kitchen floor is completely done!  The back wall is done too.  I ran new wiring and GFCI outlets for some power  above the countertops.  We should be able to make toast soon, ha-ha.

Finally, Rob and I began putting fiberglass insulation in the back wall.  Next week Rob should be hanging the drywall.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

We got a little more progress on the joists / subfloor,  and rear wall.  Should have that all done next weekend then I'll have to run the new electrical outlets & switches.  Rob should be hanging the drywall the following week.

 Rob applying the construction adhesive for the subfloor: